Well here we are fast racing towards Summer and one of the bonuses of being a florist is being surrounded all day long by all those beautiful flowers which are beginning to come into their prime at the minute. One of my absolute favourites which are out now and last for such a short season is Lily of the valley. The scent is just utterly amazing. I had some in the shop last week and I couldn't stop sinking my head into them to just inhale that beautiful fragrance. I must admit I took them home along with some early sweetpeas and placed them next to my bed . Every morning I woke to that wonderful aroma filling my bedroom, what a way to start your day!
Next on my list of most beloved blooms would have to be the Peony. I love the frilly ruffles of this beautiful flower. Just recently we have been selling one called " Coral Sunset". This lovely large headed Peony starts out as a really vivid pinky coral coloured flower. As it opens the colour gradually changes and fades to a soft apricot colour, then continues to a creamy lemon kind of hue. It's just unbelievable to watch over a few days as this transformation takes place. The wonder of nature!
One of the most charming things about peonies is the legend that surrounds it's name. So the story goes the Peony is named after Paeon a student of Asclepius who was the Greek god of medicine and healing. For some reason Asclepius became jealous of his pupil and wanted to kill him. Zeus stepped into save Paeon from the anger of Asclepius and turned him into the Peony flower.
Whatever the truth about peonies, one thing is for sure a few of these beautiful blooms sitting in a vase where you can see them will certinaly lift your soul heavenwards!
Pictures from Pinterest
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