I love photos. Anyone who knows me knows I like to have photos of my loved ones all around my home. Just like picture frames, the containers we use for flowers plays an integral part in the overall effect of a flower arrangement. Starting to build up a collection of containers is a must for anyone who is enthusiastic about flowers.
Containers come in all shapes and sizes, colours and textures. They can be made from glass, china, pottery, wood, stone and metal. Even fruits and vegetables can be used. To a certain degree, each container dictates the types of flowers used. For example a small jug or old battered watering can would look lovely with a very informal arrangement of garden flowers whereas a tall elegant vase is going to require Lilies, delphiniums, aconitium, larkspur etc.
As a rule of thumb the deeper the container the longer the flowers will last as this allows the stems maximum contact with water. However low containers can be filled with florist oasis and greenery and flowers can be cut short and placed in them, as long as you remember to keep watering it your
flowers should keep giving you pleasure.
Using larger fruits and vegetables can be fun. Scrape out some of the inside and place some oasis or a vase to suit the size and fill with flowers. Also if you have a favorite receptacle but it may not be suitable for placing water in or is not water tight then again find something that will fit inside and allow your imagination to run riot and create a stunning focal point.
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