As winter approaches it's important to remember our two legged feather friends. It is easy to make some simple bird feeders, fun to do with the children and can make great presents to give to the Grandparents or neighbours.
Why not try out some of these ideas; take a coconut and carefully cut it in half, drain out any liquid fill the shell halves with different nuts and seeds. Make a holder by taking three lengths of brown twine, knot them together at one end; place the knot under the shell and guide the three lengths over the shell, knot at the top and hang outside.
For even more stylish ideas why not mix together some oats, nuts, seeds and breadcrumbs, throw in some bacon scraps if you have any mix all together with some melted lard and use this mixture to push into the open crevices on pine cones or use moulds to make shapes, cookie cutters are a good
idea. Fill old vintage cups, or tins. When the mixture has hardened carefully push a skewer through the top, thread a ribbon through and again hang off a tree or some other suitable place outside
If you are feeling really adventurous you could make a wreath using a Bundt pan or other similar cake tin with a hole in the middle. You will need ; 9 cups of bird seed, 3 Boxes of lard 1/2 cup of peanut butter, handfuls of sultanas, raisins, cranberries or any dried fruit.
Spray the Bundt pan with cooking spray or wipe with oil. Melt the lard in a large pan add peanut butter and stir to combine allowing the peanut butter to melt, carefully add the seeds and fruit. Pour into the bundt tin. Place in a cold place, e.g the garage or garden shed, allow to cool over night. When hardened invert pan and gently tap to remove wreath. Use ribbon or raffia, thread through the hole and hang off a tree, sit back and watch the birds come and enjoy their feast!
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