Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A scent for Roses!

              " The rose speaks of love in a language known
                              only to the heart."

I don't know about you but I love roses. My particular bent is pink ones. I don't mind what shade of 
pink, just any pink will do.There is something very intoxicating about their scent and the lovely 
velvety petals, delicately shaped. Starting out as that oh so tight bud and gently unfurling into a ruffle of petals. 

I really love some of the David Austin roses. David Austin have being growing roses for 50 years and they always seem to win gold at the Chelsea flower show, so you know they must be good!
My parents always had his flowers in their garden at home and whenever I was there I loved to go up the garden first thing on a morning while the dew was still out and bury my head in the blooms and smell the sweet fragrance. The closest I have ever come to finding that smell is in Crabtree and Evelyn's "rose" collection of creams and potions. Whenever I get a chance I rub some of their cream on my hands especially if I have spent the day in the garden and my hands and nails look like grubby old tan leather. I then end the rest of the day "sniffing" my hands much to the bemusement of my family!

One day I am going to have a whole bed dedicated to roses. At the moment I have an old chimney pot outside my back door which has a beautifully fragrant rose growing the doorway. I have long since forgotten it's name, but each year it gives me beautiful pink roses with the most heady scent. Not only does it do this once but it kindly graces me with a second crop slightly later in the year. 

On our terrace climbing over a pergola I have the lovely rambling rector. Again this is just stunning full of small pink roses that just smile and smile in the sunshine. There is nothing nicer than wandering around the garden and picking some of these lovely little gems and bringing them inside. I just hate it when I don't have flowers in the house, like brides, flowers always make me smile especially roses!

Pictures courtesy of DavidAusten 


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