I must admit to feeling a little flat this week. I think tiredness and my lack of companion in the shop with me is adding to this feeling. Elizabeth's wedding was beautiful. It was a joy-filled day, in fact the whole week was joy filled. We knew there would be much to do in the days leading up to the day itself. But I didn't expect them to be quite so relaxed. On the Wednesday Emily and Elizabeth did the bulk of the Church flowers, Thursday we finished them off and got them into the Church. After collecting all the flowers for the reception we scooted home to start making some beautiful big hearts and filling jugs with beautiful white stocks. The scent was unbelievable. Because the weather was so glorious we stood outside soaking up the first real days of warmth. We had a very entertaining morning as The Journal, Lincoln's top glossy magazine came around to interview Elizabeth. Three lovely ladies turned up with notepads and cameras in hand. Thankfully it was almost lunchtime so we cracked out the fizz and we sat
drinking and chatting while they asked Elizabeth all sorts of questions. It was such fun!
Many hours later the barn was finished (see Emily's post). I was thrilled to bits with the transformation. Emily's ideas all came together beautifully and the finished result was the talk of the party.
Then Friday saw Emily and I in the shop making the bouquets, buttonholes,and corsages. When we got home we needed to sneak these around to the barn so that the bride did not see them. She wanted them to be a surprise on the morning of her wedding.
Our guests were beginning to arrive, so more champagne and lunch in the garden was the order of the day. The final touches, the dreaded table plan and then the sigh of relief it was all done. After a very noisy rehearsal dinner, I collapsed into bed not quite believing that the dress hanging in my bedroom was going to be worn by my beautiful little girl.
The day dawned bright but blustery, Elizabeth and I found ourselves awake and up before anyone else. We prepared the breakfast, more fizz! Then when Emily arrived she and I did the final binding of the bouquets before we presented them to Elizabeth who was thrilled with the finished article, much to Emily's relief
The flowers we used for Elizabeth's beautiful bouquet all came from our usual supplier. Taking pride of place were David Austen,s "Kate", and "Keira" roses. We also used Red Naomi and pink sweet avalanche. We interspersed the roses with ranunculus in , Aazur pink, Picotee wit and Aazur red. The scent was heavenly. I loved the way the colours all blended together. We styled the bridesmaids to be the same, but a slightly smaller version of the brides. They were then bound in tartan ribbon to keep with the Scottish theme.
The morning passed in a jumble of hairspray and froth as everyone's hair was done( good job one of Elizabeth's sisters is a hairdresser) and the little bridesmaids got their tutus on. The boys, dressed in their kilts, (You can imagine, I'm sure, the hilarity that followed as they all came downstairs in their wedding attire) looked very handsome, proceeded to drive off without their buttonholes, thankfully the photographer, who also happens to be one of Elizabeth's brothers took them to the Church before we arrived.
Dressing ones daughter for her wedding day is a very emotional thing. I was absolutely fine until I lifted her veil over her face, then the pair of us began to "leak". I knew I should have worn waterproof mascara! She looked beautiful as only a bride can.
I had organized for a bus to drive the bridesmaids and all our guests who were staying with us which was just a great idea. No panic about cars, we just got on and off. It was great fun!
The service itself was amazing.Admittedly we know the priest well as we go to the parish but he was telling stories to help relax us all before that long walk down the aisle.
The music was fantastic, in fact I was very composed until the choir began to sing "Guide me thou o great Redeemer", then I was a gonna, it just sounded so beautiful.
We had a local harpist Thea Butterworth who played the harp, through the communion part of the service and her music just lifted your heart to Heaven.
After the service it was back on the bus to head for home. Halfway there the Heavens opened and it began to pour. Now this was not on my agenda at all. We arrived home to find all the boys out with umbrellas leading guests into the adjoining marquee. It caused quite a bit of hilarity as we tried to get everyone including the bride under shelter. There is nothing you can do about it you just have to go with the flow. Thankfully we were prepared with big blankets hanging in the barn which were put to good use. Other than delaying the photographs until after dinner the weather did not stop the fun. Once we were seated the new Mr and Mrs Morton-Smith were greeted with everyone waving ribbon sticks and cheering.
As usual at our parties people don't get off entirely Scott free! Each table had to carve their own meat, so the gentleman at the end of each table needed to go to see chef to be given his joint of pork, carving set and apron. This caused much fun and got everyone laughing and talking. The staff at Salted Orange Food Company who oversaw the whole event did a marvelous job.
One of the cheeky guests ran a sweepstake on the length of the speeches. Money was trading hands all over the place!
Once we got to this stage of the game my husband and I could relax. It was wonderful to look out from the top table and see all our nearest and dearest enjoying themselves, and to see the radiant smiles on the new Mr and Mrs. It made it all worth while!