Friday, 26 September 2014

Cooking with flowers!

Not only are flowers beautiful to look at, but many of them can be used to cook with. Now I am not suggesting  you dash out into the garden with gay abandon grabbing  any flower that takes your fancy  as this could prove quite fatal. But there are a number of flowers that can add different flavor, texture and colour to your dishes.

Lavender for instances,  has long been used to bring its delicate flavour to shortbread and cakes.
Roses are used  in a lot of middle eastern cooking.  Violets are often crystallized and popped onto the top of cupcakes. Nasturtiums can be eaten in salads as they add a peppery taste and calendulas can be treated like saffron and are good in pastas and rice dishes.

So why not go onto the internet and look up some of the many recipes  using edible flowers and wow your family and friends with some scrummy, tasty dishes, and if you're feeling really kind don't forget us here at the Arbour  and bring us a tasty treat to try!


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