Monday, 15 September 2014

An Autumn Picnic.

I love this time of year. Cool misty mornings with a hint of the warmth that is going to come later in the day. The delicate blue of the sky touched with pinks and golds.
 The joy of working in the shop with my two daughters does mean I don't have to be in work every day, we all take it in turns. I also home educate my youngest two children, so on these glorious Autumnal days we can simply decide to pack a picnic and head off into the beautiful surroundings. I think as I get older the longing for warm bright days becomes more appealing.

 Yes, I do love to snuggle up in warm jumpers, log fires and candlelight, but I find by the end of the winter I am more than ready to shed layers and dress much more simply. So I love it when we have a September like this one. So I have decided that we are going to pack up a picnic and head to our local woods and go for a bit of a forage to see what we can find.
The girls and I love looking for natural elements that we can use in the shop. We are learning to carry some secatures and a basket in the car so that if we come across something on our travels we can collect as we go. For instant last week when Elizabeth and I were decorating a Church for a wedding I kept getting distracted by all the fallen cob nut cases. Poor Elizabeth was climbing on walls and
hanging onto the church archway trying to attach greenery and I kept wandering off filling my basket with all these beautiful gems, she was not best pleased!
Anyway I feel just such a trip coming on, clear out those Monday morning blues, pack the car with
blankets, some yummy things to eat, a nice flask of hot chocolate and off we go!


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