Saturday, 8 July 2017

Summer Holidays and a time to reflect.

I love the warm weather we are experiencing at the minute. I appreciate being able to get outside. My poor husband is on a mission in our garden to try and get it under control and so I keep wandering out to offer some advice, gently, of course, just little words of encouragement you understand! I do try and have a nice, cold, long something for him to drink when he's finished. To be honest by that stage I am usually swinging gently in the hammock dreaming of far flung places and warm sand between my toes. Or can you believe it Christmas! Elizabeth and I at this time of year have to begin to go to some of the lovely home fairs that are on at the minute and try and put ourselves in Christmas mode, no easy feat in July. But thats all part and parcel of being a florist.

I have never really been a 9 till 5 kind of girl. Don't get me wrong I have done it many eons ago but I much prefer the living on a knife edge that the floristry world can bring. Oh to be sure it can have its calm elegant moments where everything is very straight forward and under control. Then it can have those free-fall moments when you haven't got a clue whats going to happen next and you need to pull something out of the bag very fast. I remember one Mothers day when someone wandered into the shop and casually brought up every rose on the stand, "great for business"I hear you say, absolutely! But then I had no roses left and a full day of work in front of me. That took an awful lot of sweet talking to one of our  suppliers. Or the time we had made an arch full of flowers for a grand opening, when we started to move this beautiful creation this wretched thing did not want to play ball. Not only that but we had to get it down Lincoln's famous Steep Hill, such fun! I love the fact that no two days are the same. Working with some of the most beautiful flowers which are so tactile is inspiring. Flowers bring so much pleasure, they are not just for the big occasions but also  for everyday living. Nothing lifts the spirits quite like looking at some flowers sitting on the side, it can be just what is needed to lift a room and bring life to a home. Then they can tell someone that you are thinking of them, or that you are sorry {always a biggy} or simply that you love them. So whatever you are doing this fine weekend take time to reflect on life and enjoy the Summer!


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